Laura’s professional journey has taken her from community organizing to venture capital to international economic development, working with and in small local nonprofits, private for-profit firms, and global multilaterals.
Four decades
After working in community mobilization in the USA and Europe, and then in organizational development in San Francisco and Silicon Valley in the mid-80s, Laura made the transition to international development.
For more than a decade she led a consulting partnership working globally, and then from 2000 to 2017 served in a range of increasingly responsible positions for the World Bank in both headquarters and field offices. During her tenure as Global Lead for Stability Peace and Security from 2018 to 2020, Laura was responsible for thought leadership on issues of fragility, conflict, and violence. After retiring from the World Bank, she has worked with nonprofit and community organizations including facilitating strategic planning and leadership work in situations of challenge and transformation.
Five continents
Laura has lived and worked in more than three dozen countries across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, and the Pacific.
She completed dozens of short assignments lasting from two weeks to three months, and held professional leadership roles while completing multi-year contracts in Europe, South and Southeast Asia, and the Pacific.
Over time, Laura’s work increasingly focused on countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence, or experiencing complex socioeconomic transitions. From 2020 onward, she has added engagements with nonprofits and community organizations in the United States.
Laura is a US citizen, and speaks Spanish, French, and Indonesian. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology and Public Policy degree from Pomona College (Claremont, California, USA) and a Master of Public Policy degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) with concentrations in international trade and international development. She also holds an Executive Certificate in Facilitation from Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership (Washington, DC, USA).
Yes, and …. I also have an alter-ego (fiction, essays, other fun stuff) … www.lauraebailey.org
[email protected]
444 Second Street N, Manzanita OR 97130 USA
1801 Clydesdale Place NW Suite 421, Washington DC 20009 USA